A creative yet logical thinker specializing in uniting copy and graphics to engage, educate, entertain, and inspire an audience to a desired response. Detail-oriented writer and editor, project manager, and team leader.
Randee Paraskevopoulos is a writer, editor, and graphic designer, making her capable of handling your communications needs from idea to audience.
Randee'll tell you she won her first writing competition in third grade for a tall tale about a babysitter and a bunch of animals. Her prize? A soda from the teacher's lounge.
But she was hooked. Writing led her to study journalism at Berry College, which eventually morphed into editing with her earning a coveted Dow Jones Newspaper Fund editing internship. At the time, newspaper copy editors also designed page layouts, and Randee gradually transferred her skills to graphic design even though 20+ years later, she still can't draw a circle by hand.
Eventually, that urge to write resurfaced, and Randee enrolled in the Writing Popular Fiction MFA program at Seton Hill University. By the time she earned her MFA, she had a full, 75,000-word romantic suspense novel, which like many first-time efforts, will remain in the cliched box under the bed. She continues to write -- from news and feature articles to fiction -- and has had a few short stories in anthologies and articles in local lifestyle magazines.
As part of the Seton Hill writing community, Randee learned she is very good at helping others fine-tune their stories. She became a developmental/line editor and earned editing certificates from the University of Chicago and the ACES Poynter Institute.
Randee lives her own happily-ever-after in an idyllic suburb of DFW with her husband and two chihuahua mixes, Pepper and Jane (named after Thor and Iron Man's girlfriends). She loves the times her adult daughters come home -- even if the puppies are a bigger draw than Mom and Dad. In her spare time, Randee enjoys reading, taking classes on a variety of subjects, or watching just about any sport (go Stars!) or Marvel movie.​